Trinity Weekly Update – Hallowe’en Sunday

Hello Trinity Friends!

This Sunday we encourage you to come in costume to our Sunday Worship Service at 10:30 am.  We are anxiously waiting to see if we will have a special visitor this Sunday!  The Junior Choir will be singing a song in service as well.
This weekend, several youth and their leaders will be attending the Niagara Youth Conference where they will have the opportunity to meet with the Moderator and participate in workshops to deepen and enrich their spirituality.  
A reminder that the deadline for the Advent Newsletter is due on Sunday November 13th.  Please hand them in or email them to
Trinity’s UCW Christmas Tea and Bazaar is coming up!  If you are able to help with baking, making sandwiches, donating items for the white elephant table, making jams, pickles, etc. please take a look at the bulletin to see who to contact and how you can help.  It is greatly appreciated!
Next week our clock’s get turned back for Daylight Saving Time!  Please remember to turn your clock back an hour on Saturday night!
Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Halowe’en!