Trinity Weekly Update – Advent Hope

Hello Trinity Friends,

This Sunday we move into the season of Advent, beginning, as all things should, with Hope.  Where do you see signs of hope in the world?   What is God’s hope for our world and how can we spread and share that hope?
Join us this Sunday November 29th as we light our first Advent candle and celebrate Holy Communion – anticipating the great banquet to come!  We celebrate communion early in the service while the Sunday School is present.  After Communion, the Sunday School children will continue downstairs where they will begin work on the Christmas Pageant.  All children are welcome to participate – there are parts for those who would like lines, those who do not, and for those who like to sing.
Advent Bible Study with Rev. Kathy begins this Sunday November 29th from 2 – 3:30 in the Fireside room.  All are welcome.  Join us as we worship together, examine the scriptures and ponder the art of William Kurelek from his book “Northern Nativity” and explore and seek meaning of the coming of the Christ Child in our lives.
Christmas Bag Outreach
The youth group are collecting items for Trinity’s Christmas Bag Outreach Program.  Each year we provide over 150 bags to those in need in our community.  Of particular need is toothbrushes, toothpaste, games, puzzle books, magazines or comics and treats (diabetic and regular). A full list of needed items is posted in the Sunday School Room.  Please bring your gifts of money or needed items on White Gift Sunday (December 6th) where they will be collected by the Sunday School or to Lisa Blais anytime before December 16th.  Thank-you for supporting this important outreach.
The United Church of Canada will be hosting an online advent reflection that can be found by clicking this link:
Visit anytime, but beginning Sunday November 29th  a new, thought-provoking devotion and prayer will be posted each day helping us unwrap what Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love mean to us all.
A reminder that tomorrow, (Friday November 27th), families are invited to share a casual lasagna supper before going out for the Downtown Christmas Walk. Following the walk come on back for hotchocolate and some Carol singing with our favourite band – The Heavenly Hosts.
Lasagna, salad and buns are available from around 4:30 – 6 pm for a free-will donation (all proceeds towards Trinity’s family day weekend retreat).  
Trinity Arts is pleased to present “Heart of Gold – A Neil Young Tribute Concert” on Saturday November 28th at 8 pm.  This is a special benefit concert to raise money for a 6 year old Ben McWilliams who has recently had brain surgery to control seizures from epilepsy.  Tickets are $10 each and are available at the church office of the door. 
This week may you be a beacon of hope to those who need it and may your week be filled with blessings and promise!