Trinity Weekly Update

Hello Trinity Friends!

This Sunday June 7th, please join us for worship as we celebrate the 90th Anniversary of the United Church of Canada.  
In honour of the 90th anniversary, all North Bay and Area United Churches have been invited to St. Andrew’s United Church for a “bell-ringing” Birthday Party. Come to St. Andrew’s (399 Cassells St.) on Wednesday June 10th at 10:15 am.
Please bring along any hand bells, gongs, hand drums, cymbals, etc. and be prepared to celebrate!
UCW Potluck – Monday June 8th
The UCW would like to invite the everyone, including the AOTS and their spouses, to the UCW Potluck supper on June 8th.  Punch will be served at 5:30 pm followed by supper at 6 pm.  Dr. Gretchen Roeddie from “Doctors Without Borders” will be the special guest speaker.
Next Sunday June 14th, we celebrate our Sunday School Teachers and Volunteers with a special Communion Service.  Please join us as we say thank-you!  Following the service there will be a hotdog lunch.
Mustard Seed Productions Presents: Dream On
Saturday June 13th at 7 pm and Sunday June 14th at 1:30pm.  Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under.  These can be purchased from Doris-Rae Brownlee, or from the Church Office or at the door.
The Joyful Bells will be providing a dessert reception following the Saturday and Sunday performances – with all proceeds going towards the purchase of a new set of hand bells!