Hello Trinity Friends,
Please join us this Sunday as we celebrate St. Francis Sunday. You are invited to bring your animal friends, stuffies, or pet mementos to worship for a blessing.
Next Sunday, we celebrate World Wide Communion with our Christian Faith Family around the world. It is also Orange Shirt Day – you are invited to wear Orange as an act of solidarity and commitment to restoring right relations with Indigenous peoples.
Apple Pie Time is here! If you haven’t ordered your apple pies yet, please do so now to avoid missing out! Pie order forms can be found in your bulletin or you can call in to place an order.
Help us Fill the Crib to support healthy infant development!
On September 23rd, the Rotaract Club of North Bay Nipissing is hosting our Fill the Crib donation collection to help parents/caregivers and their infants in need.
See the attached poster for items that can be accepted. You will see the poster in this week’s bulletin as well – although the event ends tomorrow, Trinity’s Infant Food Shelf will gladly accept donations anytime!
Upcoming Dates for your calendar:
- Saturday September 30th – Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconcilation
- Sunday October 1st: World-Wide Communion Sunday (also “Orange Shirt Sunday”)
- Sunday October 8th: Thanksgiving Sunday! Also: Baptism Sunday
- Sunday October 22nd: Includes a Free “Celebrate Sharing” Lunch after the service!
Sunday October 29th: Trinity hosts area United Churches for the 10:30am Worship “5th Sunday” of the month! Feel free to wear your Halloween finery with United Church friends from all over the city!
There are more announcements in your bulletin – and other upcoming activities and events will be posted on our website and facebook pages. Visit us at www.trinitynorthbay.ca and find us and “Like” us on Facebook! trinitynorthbay