Trinity this week – January 11, 2019

Hello Trinity Friends,
On this chilly day why not warm up with a bowl (or 5) of some delicious soup!  Tonight the AOTS (men’s group) are hosting our eagerly anticipated Soup Tasting Night.  Come enjoy soup, salad and bread from 5 – 6:30 pm.  $10 per person ($8 children  6- 12, $25 per family).  After the soup you can warm even more with Mustard Seed’s Production of Cotton Patch Gospel!  Don’t miss your chance to see this amazing cast and bluegrass band – directed by Darlene Laferriere!  More info below.
This Sunday is baptism Sunday.  The Junior Choir will start back up this Sunday at 9:30 am with leadership by Betty Farris and Laura Einarson.  New members are always welcome – please speak with Betty or Laura!  Following the worship service there will be a UCW sponsored Sandwich lunch.  All welcome!
Next Sunday January 20th at 10:30 am is Communion Sunday.   
Some upcoming dates for your calendar

Friday Jan. 11th – Sunday Jan. 13t

·         Cotton Patch Gospel – Friday and Saturday at 7pm and Sunday at 1:30 pm – Tickets $15 and $10 at the door

Friday January 18th, 7 pm

·         Coffee House Talent Night – Free Will Donation to the Mission and Service Fund

Sunday January 20th, 10:30 am

·         Communion Sunday

Friday January 25, 7:30

·         Euchre Night – bring a snack to share – all welcome

Sunday January 27th, 10:30 am

·         Robbie Burns’ Sunday

Sunday January 27th 11:30 am

·         Info Session for “Not Your Average Joe” Mustard Seed Junior

Sunday February 3rd

·         Trinity Families hosts “Comfort Food Lunch”  All welcome – free will offering to help support Trinity Families winter retreat

·         Snowshoe Sunday – Camp Caritou – following lunch
Here is an extra special treat!This week, Rev. Ted’s friend (and dedicated astronomer) Linda Pulliah shares this insight:“Something special is happening in the sky this month. Before sunrise you can look to the east and see two bright objects, Venus and Jupiter. They are unmistakably brilliant, very different from stars. Until the 22nd of this month, the two will appear as if moving closer together. After that date they will appear to split apart again.According to charts of planetary motion, a similar conjunction occurred near the star Regulus (a very bright, blue, hot young star in the constellation Leo) within a few short years of the birth of Jesus. Because of unusual retrograde motions, that conjunction appeared over a much longer period of time—perhaps up to 18 months. It is in times like this I am certain we can use science to back up the wonderful story in the bible. Most people find it hard to understand how astronomy has strengthened my faith, but here’s a perfect example. It’s the season of Epiphany, and this month, this year, we have an opportunity to look east and witness the magic of the real likelihood of a Bethlehem star.Check out the main article for January 10th on
​Stay warm,​