Hello Trinity Friends,
Please join us for worship Sunday morning at 10:30 am. If you are joining us in person, a reminder to wear a mask and have your proof of vaccine ready. If you are unable to attend in person, the worship service will be livestreamed here https://www.youtube.com/c/TrinityNorthBay on Trinity’s YouTube channel and aired a week later on Cogeco’s YourTV Channel 12 (700 HD) at 8 am and 9 pm each Sunday.
***Please note that we have had some issues with our internet this week that we are hoping to have repaired in time for livestreaming Sunday morning. On the off chance that the situation has not been resolved, the worship service will be uploaded to YouTube Sunday afternoon.***
On Sunday March 6 at 1 pm – we will hold our Annual Congregational Meeting. All members and adherents of the church are encouraged to attend. There will be a proposed change to the by-laws and constitution. The draft constitution, by-laws and a summary are available via email. Please contact the church office to receive them. The ACM will be held on zoom – but for those who do not have access to the technology, you are welcome to attend the ACM from the Sanctuary. Scrutineers will be there to share your votes and any questions/comments to the Chair. We hope this hybrid option will allow all those who wish to attend, to be able to attend! More information will be shared about this leading up the the ACM.
You will also find the 2021 Annual Report right here Thanks to Ross for putting this together! Printed copies are available by request.
Next week we will share with you our plans for moving into the next phase of loosening Covid restrictions. We are excited to return to some of the activities and groups that we love. Stay tuned!