Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday we are looking forward to joining our United Church faith family for a special 5th Sunday worship service at Emmanuel United Church on Lakeshore. This service will be livestreamed to Trinity’s YouTube channel Sunday Worship Service – if there are any technical issues, we will record the service and upload later. There will be activities for children during church and a lunch will follow. Please see the attached invitation for more information about masking and parking. See you there!
On this chilly day a reminder that you can warm up with the Soup Tasting at Trinity tonight from 5 – 6:30 pm! $10 per person $5 children under 12 and $25 for a family of 4. Enjoy a variety of delicious soups, buns/bread, dessert and refreshments with your Trinity friends. All are welcome!
Trinity Family Retreat Weekend – February 18th – 20th
Registration for this is now open. Please be sure to register to secure your spot by February 5th. We are excited for the return of the Family Day Weekend Retreat at Spirit Point Wilderness Academy! Outdoor games, skating, family worship, campfires, warm indoor activities and more! Registration: $100 Adults and Teens and $65 per child (12 and under) Children under 3 are free. For more information and to register please contact Lisa.
The deadline date for submissions to the annual report is Sunday February 12th. Please submit your reports to Ross Brewer.
Rethink and Renew: Restarting anti-poverty initiatives in the Church
Join MILC (The “Manitou Intentional Learning Community”) on February 6th at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom for a panel discussion about anti-poverty work in our communities. Addressing the Christian responsibility to work to end poverty, root causes of poverty in our communities and how Churches can get involved in practical projects. Panel speakers include Rev. Glen Eagle, Rev. Pam Cullen, and Rev. Michael Blair (The United Church’s General Secretary). Register online at www.manitoulearningcommunity.com
Hope to see you Sunday at Emmanuel United Church.