This Sunday February 16th, 10:30 am we celebrate Scouting and Guiding during our morning worship.
Following the worship service there will be a free will offering lunch with donations going towards a new sound system for our sanctuary.
Coldest Night Fundraiser – Saturday February 22nd – 5pm
Join us as we walk together in solidarity to help ease hunger in our city! Register as a team member (and get a free toque) or sponsor one of the many walkers! Please stop by the coldest night table in the Sunday School Room after church for more information!
Sunday February 23rd – Worship, 10:30 am
The cast of Mustard Seed will be sharing one of their songs as teaser for their upcoming show. Following the service please plan to stay for lunch and our Annual Congregational Meeting. All members and adherents are encouraged to stay for this meeting.
UCW Cafeteria Style Luncheon – Friday February 28th 11 – 1pm – All welcome!
Mustard Seed Theatre
The cast and crew of Mustard Seed have been hard at work getting prepared for Ultimate Superstar – a lively and upbeat one act musical! Please plan to support the efforts of these 14 young people by attending one of the shows – Friday February 28th and Saturday March 1st at 7pm. Why not make it dinner and a show and come out for the Friends of Camp Caritou Pasta Dinner at 5 and then head upstairs for Ultimate Superstar!
If you are able to offer your time as an usher, cookie baker or would like to be a show sponsor please see the bulletin board in the Sunday School to sign up. Thanks for you support!