Trinity Advent Newsletter and Weekly Report

Hello Trinity Friends!


The Advent Newsletter is now available – you will find it here —-> Newsletter – November 2017 (Advent) (2)
Ross Brewer has done a wonderful job putting this together!  Happy Reading 🙂
Thank-you to the JOY Band for a wonderful concert last weekend – celebrating the music of the war years. We look forward to their Christmas concert next month!
This Sunday, following our worship service, you are invited to join your Trinity friends and family to watch the Santa Claus Parade.  Hotdogs will be served after church and hot chocolate will be served during the parade – to keep us warm!  The parade route will travel along Main street – just down the road from our doors.  We will have a comfy couch and a couple of chairs marking our Trinity area.  Hope to see you there!
In Sunday School, the children will be introduced to the Christmas Pageant.  We will run briefly through the songs and then write letters to Santa Claus – for the Parade!
Next Sunday, we will be led by the AOTS, men’s group for our morning worship.  We are joined by the Heartbeat Barbershop Chorus who will liven our worship with their musical talents.  The Sunday School will begin rehearsals for the Christmas Pageant.  All children who wish to participate should plan to be here or speak with Darlene Laferriere.  The pageant will be performed on Sunday December 17th during worship.
Upcoming Events and Announcements
The Trinity Children’s Chorus who are singing for the Lions Telethon with Chris Vega will rehearse this Sunday for a few minutes during church and possibly immediately following Church.  All children are welcome! The sound check will be Friday Nov. 24 @ 6:00  The telethon time slot is on Saturday at 4:23…all performers need to be there an hour before start times. with live shows start time may vary by 15 to 20 minutes.  For more information please speak with Chris Vega.

A reminder that Trinity is hosting a games night each Friday night at 6:30 pm.   All those interested in playing Board Games, Strategy Games, D&D, etc. are welcome.  Enter by the McIntyre Street entrance.

Friday Nov. 24th in the Old Fashioned Christmas Walk.  Trinity Families will host a Chili and Baked Potato Bar from 5 to 6 pm.  Free Will Offering to Trinity Families events.
4 Trinity Cookie Walk will happen on Saturday November 25th from 11am – 2 pm (or until sold out).  All proceeds from the cookie walk go to Trinity’s general funds.
Bakers are still  welcome – please bring your cookies to Trinity on Friday Nov. 24th between 9 -12 or 5 – 6 pm or on Saturday Nov. 25th between 9 and 9:30 am.
A very special presentation!
Trinity Arts is excited to welcome back David Fox (our beloved King Lear) to tell the tale of the “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.  Saturday November 25th at 2 pm.  Tickets available at the door.  $15 adults, $10 Students – proceeds to support Trinity United Church.
Photo Directory
There will only be 2 more photography sessions left for this project.  Sunday November 26th (before and after church) and Tuesday November 28th from 5 – 9 pm.  If you are planning on coming to the evening photo session please email Lisa to confirm a time.
Joyful Bells Handbell Choir present “Ringing in the Season” directed by Brenda McLay on Sunday November 26th at 2:30 pm at Nipissing Knox Unted Church.
Stay warm,