Hello Trinity Friends,
This Sunday, join us for worship at 10:30 am – either in person (limited seating with Covid Safety protocols in place) or online at Trinity’s YouTube Channel
Last week we were so thrilled to hear the return of live music in our Sanctuary. Heartfelt thanks to Rob Farris and Chris Clark for installing our new Covid music pods! Rob and Chris worked in accordance with the health unit to ensure that all safety measures have been met. This will enable us to have soloists,and small groups of singers/musicians to enhance our worship service.
Special thanks to Rev. Kathy for leading our Remembrance Sunday worship and to Peggy Miller and Chris Clark for their lovely musical offerings. We are also grateful to Rob Sanders and Marcel MacDonald for their offerings as well!
At around 10:20, a hymn sing (or hymn hum if you are in the sanctuary) will begin. Thank you to Bryan Boothe for being our song leader this Sunday.
In the coming weeks we will be looking at ways in which we can share hymn lyrics and an order of service. This week, I have included an order of service which you will see below. Next week we will have both an order of service and hymn lyrics in the Friday email that folk at home can use to follow and sing along. Folk who wish can also borrow a hymn book set from the church. You may contact Wanda at the Church Office to arrange to pick up or have a set delivered.
The Advent Newsletter is posted below. Thank you to Ross Brewer for putting this together. Happy Reading and see you Sunday!
This week’s order of service is below.