This week as we journey through Holy Week, there are a number of worship services and opportunities to deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Palm and Passion Sunday – April 13th, 10:30 am
This morning’s blues includes Kirk Ready’s instrumental version of “Bring Him Home” from the musical, “Les Miserables.” This song is a plea to God from the character Valjean, who prays for the life of his beloved son-in-law Marius.
Sufjan Stevens’ song, “Casimir Pulaski Day” is a song that questions God’s apparent callousness when a teenaged girl dies of cancer. For Marcel, the song evokes images and memories of losing his sister, Brandi MacDonald, who died of leukemia 20 years ago at the age of 14.
At the request of a member of the congregation, Brenda McLay sings “Cry If You Want To”—a song that affirms how a genuine relationship of love accepts pain and frustration, tears and bewilderment.
The Gospel story we receive today reminds us that God hears our pleas, and accepts our questions and disappointment; that Jesus joins us in that which disturbs our faith.
50 Minute Retreat – Tuesday April 15th, 12 pm
With former United Church Moderator Mardi Tindal and Rev. Karen Hifman Millson
For more information and to register visit
Lenten Companion Study – Tuesday April 15th, 1pm
This Lenten study will conclude with a special Communion Service.
Maundy Thursday Communion Service – Thursday April 17th, 6:30 pm
All are invited to the Maundy Thursday Communion Service in the Trinity Sanctuary.
Youth Prayer Vigil
The Youth Prayer Vigil begins following the Maundy Thursday Service and continues until the City-wide Good Friday Service. All youth in grade 7 and up are invited to this all night prayer vigil.
Good Friday – Friday April 18th, 10:30 am
The area United Churches are coming together for Good Friday worship. All are welcome.
Easter Sunrise Service – Sunday April 20th, 7:30 am
Join us bright and early Easter morning at the corner of Ferguson and McIntyre for a special morning sunrise service. Following the service come inside for hotcross buns and coffee.
Easter Sunday Service – Sunday April 20th, 10:30 am
Join us for joyful, music filled Easter Communion Service.
Sunday April 27th, 10:30 am
Join us for a very special service as we gather to say farewell to Shalome MacNeill Cooper, our student Intern. During this special service we will celebrate the legacy of Internship at Trinity and have a chance to say goodbye to Shalome. Following the service a cold potluck lunch will follow.