Weekly Trinity News
This Sunday join us for worship at 10:30am – Next Sunday May 25th we will be joined by the J.O.Y. band for a music filled service.
I-DYG Youth Group – Take a Hike (at Laurier Woods) Sunday May 25th 1 pm. Speak with Lisa Blais for more information.
Trinity Testosterone Weekend (June 20 – 22nd) One spot left to sign up. Speak with Rev. Ted for more information.
AOTS Ladies Night
Wednesday May 28th at Emmanuel United Church. 5 pm. Special Guest Speaker: Rod Carley. All women welcome. Details to follow.
AOTS Gift Cards
Orders for gift cards will be taken Sunday May 25th and on June 8th (the last day before the July holiday). Gift cards make great thank-you gifts for teachers, etc. and are also very handy while travelling. Proceeds go towards supporting youth. Speak with Bill Brownlee after the service or call the church for his contact information.
Neighbours Praising God
All are welcome to attend this year’s Neighbours Praising God event in Timmins on June 6th – 8th. For more information and to register please visit the Manitou Conference webpage at www.manitouconference.ca
Summer Events for Trinity Families
Camp Lorrain is a beautiful United Church Camp on the shores of Lake Temiskaming. Many of the children, youth and adults have attended or worked at Camp Lorrain and can tell you what a great experience it is. If you would like information or to register please visit www.camplorrain.com
Trinity’s Vacation Bible Camp: Quest for Adventure is planned for August 18 – 22nd this year. Children in Junior Kindergarten will discover the treasures of the bible through the Parables of Jesus. Games, Discovery, Music, Crafts, Cooking, Drama and more! Registration forms are available on the table outside Wanda’s office or by email. $50 per child – all supplies and food included.