Trinity Weekly Update – Thanksgiving Weekend

Greetings Trinity Friends!

This Sunday, we celebrate Thanksgiving Sunday with wonderful music and a baptism.  The Sunday School will be collecting items for Trinity’s Food Shelf as well.  If you are able, please bring items your donations of non-perishable food items or monetary donation for this important ministry in our community.  Thanksgiving envelopes are available from the ushers.  


On Sunday October 16th in worship, Rev. Ted will be talking about phrases and images that sustain your faith. If you have a tattoo-worthy picture or a brief sentence that speaks faith to you, please share it with Ted! (

Following our worship service on Sunday October 16th, please plan to stay for a free will offering lunch sponsored by the UCW.

Get the LED out – Led Zeppelin Concert  Friday October 21st at 7:30 pm.  

Tickets are now available from the church office for the upcoming Led Zeppelin concert performed by Michael White and The White.  Tickets are $30 even from the office ($35 at the door). 

Roadies are needed – Michael has offered a t-shirt and CD/DVD for any strong people willing to help with load in and load out.  If you are interested or able to help out please email me (Lisa) at

Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. As you gather around your tables this weekend may you have many reasons to feel gratitude and love!