Trinity Weekly Update – October 14, 2016

Hello Trinity Friends!

Please join us this Sunday October 16th at 10:30 am for worship. Following our morning worship service, please join us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall for a free-will offering lunch, sponsored by Trinity’s UCW.
The Christian Education and Outreach Committee thank-you for your donations of food and money for Trinity’s Food Shelf Program.  Your continued support of this important ministry is appreciated.  The Monday Food Shelf at Trinity as well as the Monday Breakfast Program at the Gathering Place are in need of volunteers.  If you are able to offer some help, please speak with Roxanne Chartrand or Jim Liddell.
The UCW  welcome Judi Rose on Monday October 17th at 1 pm in the Fireside Room, as she speaks about the historic and fascinating “Old Hay Bay Church”.  All women are welcome for fellowship, fun, tea and goodies.
Trinity’s Board will meet on Tuesday October 18th at 7 pm in the fireside room.
A reminder that Michael White and The White will be performing two Led Zeppelin albums: Houses of the Holy and Physical Graffiti on Friday October 21st at 7:30 pm.  Save the taxes and service charge and get your tickets from the Church office for $30.  Also, if you would like to help load in and load out for the show, you will receive a free t-shirt, CD or DVD!
Blessings on your weekend,