Trinity Weekly Update – January 8, 2016

Hello Trinity Friends!

A listing of the upcoming worship services and special events is listed below. There are many opportunities to worship, celebrate, be entertained and of course eat, with your Trinity friends. 
Worship Services
Sunday January 10:  Baptism Sunday, 10:30 am
Sunday January 17:  Communion Sunday, 10:30 am
Special Events
Soup’s On:  The annual (and much anticipated) Soup Tasting Night is on Friday January 15th from 5 – 6:30 pm. Tickets will be available after church this Sunday. ($10 Adults, $5 Children, Family $25, under 6 free) 
Special Gourmet Salad Dressings will be for sale at the soup tasting for $ 5 a bottle – this is a fundraiser for the church.  4 delicious flavours to choose from!
Trinity Coffee House 
Trinity’s Annual Coffee House is on Friday January 22nd beginning at 7 pm.  Come on our for an evening of music, laughter, and other special surprises!  An assortment of decadent desserts and gourmet coffee and tea will be available.  Free Will Offering to support the Trinity’s Family Day Weekend Retreat.
Some announcements
***  We are looking for some desserts to serve at the Coffee House.  If you are able to contribute a dessert please speak with Lisa Blais or Dave McKenney OR sign-up on the sheet posted in the Sunday School Room.  Thank-you! ***
Dave McKenney is also looking for Plastic Egg Cartons for the Beavers.  IF you have some, please bring them into the church as soon as possible.  Thank-you!
The Subzero Superheroes Coldest Night Team is looking for super people to join our team!  You can sport a fine toque and join us for the walk and/or you can pledge one of the walkers.  All proceeds will go towards the Gathering Place.  If you would like to make a donation or join the team, please speak with Jim Liddell after church or email Lisa at