Trinity Weekly Update: Advent – Peace

Hello Trinity Friends,
This second Sunday in Advent we light the candle of Peace. We also celebrate White Gift Sunday.  Gifts of non-perishable food items, money and other items that may bring comfort to those in need will be gathered by the Sunday School children during the service.  Donations will be received to Trinity’s Food Shelf and the Christmas Bag Outreach Programs.  Of particular need: toothbrushes, toothpaste, games, puzzle books, magazines or comics and treats (diabetic and regular). A full list of needed items is posted in the Sunday School Room.
This week, we continue to explore the Advent Art (most of which is on display in the Sunday School Hall). We will be dedicating Flo Bucknell’s beautifully handcrafted wall hanging of “The Lord’s Prayer” during our worship service.
Advent Bible Study with Rev. Kathy continues this Sunday December 6th and Sunday  December 20th from 2 – 3:30 in the Fireside room.  All are welcome!  If you are only able to come to one, you are still welcome.  Join us as we worship together, examine the scriptures and ponder the art of William Kurelek from his book “Northern Nativity” and explore and seek meaning of the coming of the Christ Child in our lives.
A couple of announcements and upcoming events to note.
This year’s Advent Offering will go towards Packsac Smiles and Sleeping Children around the World.  Each year, the advent offering supports children both in our own community and throughout the developing world.  Thank-you for your support.  Please pick up a pill bottle from your ushers if you haven’t already done so.  Thanks for your support!
UCW Christmas Lunch at Cecils’ Restaurant
All women are welcome to attend the annual Christmas lunch on Monday December 14th from 11:30 – 3.  See the bulletin for more information or contact Roxanne (phone number available from the church office)
Some of the Advent Art will be available for silent auction.  Two items are up for auction at the moment: a quilt and a chair. If you would like to bid on these items, please see the paper attached to the items in the Sunday School Hall.
The 2016 Offering envelopes are available in the narthex. Please be sure to pick yours up from Wanda.
A reminder that the Board is meeting this Tuesday December 8th at 7 pm.  This is the budget meeting.
Mark your calendars!
Choir Cantata: Sunday December 13th, 10:30 am
J.O.Y. Band and J.O.Y. Band Too Christmas Concert: Sunday December 13th at 2 pm.
A Reading of Dickens’ A Christmas Carol with live music and gifted local readers. Wednesday December 16th. Carol Sing-a-long at 6:30 followed by the reading at 7:00 pm. 
Sunday School Christmas Pageant: Sunday December 20th, 10:30 am
Longest Night Prayer Service – Monday December 21st, 7:00 pm
This week as we journey into the second week of Advent, take some time to offer prayers of peace to the places in our own lives, in our communities and in the wider world that are thirsting for peace. 
May peace be with you,