Trinity Weekly Report – February 24, 2017

Hello Trinity Friends!
Tomorrow evening, folk from Trinity, along with Team FIRST 1305 Lego Robotics, will be walking for the Coldest Night. We are raising funds for the Gathering Place. As of today, we are the third place team (in terms of amount of money raised)! That is fantastic – thanks to those of you who have supported us!
If you would like to join us on the walk we will be meeting at Trinity at 4 pm tomorrow. Donations are still being accepted – click on this link and follow instructions.
This Sunday following our worship service, is our Annual Congregational Meeting. A lunch will be served and the meeting will take place in the Fellowship Hall immediately following. All are encouraged to remain for the meeting.
Upcoming Events
Tuesday February 28th: 5 – 6:30 pm
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Adults $8 and children under 12 $4 Family Rate $20
Includes pancakes, pure maple syrup, sausages, refreshments
Hosted by Trinity’s AOTS – proceeds to support work with youth.
Wednesday March 1st – 12 pm
Daytime Ash Wednesday Service – St. Andrew’s United Church
Come join friends from Trinity, Omond and St. Andrew’s for and Ash Wednesday Service.
Friday March 3rd , 2 pm
Trinity hosts the “World Day of Prayer”
Refreshments to follow
Saturday March 4th, 5 – 7 pm
Camp Caritou Pasta Supper at Trinity
Adults $10 and Children under 12 $5
Sunday March 5th
The season of Lent begins with a Communion Service, 10:30 am
Sunday March 5th, 3:30 – 6:30 pm
Trinity Youth and Trinity Families Curling
$15 per person – includes pizza, 2 games, prizes and instruction
Sign-up in the Fellowship Hall or by emailing Lisa at