Hello all,
This Sunday join us for worship at 10:30 am. Following the service there will be a free will offering lunch sponsored by the UCW. A reminder that next Sunday September 27th there will be a special blessing of the animals service. You are invited to bring in your beloved stuffies and stories.
Nursery Painting
The fabulous Nancy Dewar-Stenning was busy this summer. If you haven’t already popped in to the nursery this fall please be sure to do so! Come on in and check out the four seasons art work.
Help Support a Refugee Family with Trinity’s Sunday School and Mayor Al
As some of you may have heard, Mayor Al McDonald has launched a campaign to support a family from Syria. The Sunday School has decided that they would like to support this! The Sunday School children have been invited to bring in a toonie this week towards this. The Sunday School will be inviting the congregation to help support this very important initiative as well – look for details next week! In the meantime, if anyone would like to support the Sunday School’s fundraising campaign, you are welcome to bring in your toonie as well! The Sunday School will be distributing envelopes next week!
Led Zeppelin Tribute Show and Choir
A reminder that the Houses of the Holy show is this Saturday. Tickets will be available at the door for anyone who still needs them. For anyone who still wants a chance to join the special Zeppelin Choir there is one more rehearsal tonight at 7 pm. If you would like to join the choir please contact me (Lisa) or Betty asap. All ages are welcome to join this special one of a kind choir performance.
The UCW will meet on Monday, September 21st at 1:00 in the Fireside Room.
The UCW Cafeteria Style Lunch is next Friday September 25th from 11 am – 1 pm All are welcome to purchase a delicious lunch with a variety of soups, sandwiches, chili, coleslaw, dessert and refreshments.
I-DYG (Youth Group) Pizza Social
Youth in grade 7 and up are invited to join us Sunday September 27th for our annual pizza social. This is a chance for everyone to get together and catch up, for new people to meet each other and of course to eat and play games. We will meet at St. Andrew’s from 1 – 3 pm. Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
**The Youth Right Relations Retreat is planned for October 16 – 18th weekend at Spirit Point. Registration forms and information is available from Trinity’s website or by contacting Lisa Blais at blais.trinity@gmail.com**