Trinity this week – Thanksgiving Sunday – October 9, 2022

Hello Trinity Friends,
This Thanksgiving Sunday we gather for worship at 10:30 am – either in person, in the Sanctuary or virtually, online on YouTube Trinity’s Worship. For those who join us in person, please join us downstairs following the worship service for fellowship and refreshments.  The Sunday School will be discussing special meals and cooking in the kitchen.
This Sunday we will be collecting items for the Thanksgiving Offering in support of our Food Shelf Ministries at Trinity.  Please bring a donation of shelf stable/long life food, diapers (size 5 and under please), or money to support these important ministries. Thanksgiving Offering envelopes are available from the ushers. The Sunday School will collect these items during worship. Thank-you for supporting this important outreach ministry.

Call to worship leaderWe are hoping to return to have the children and youth lead our call to worship in the near future.  Please be in touch if your young person is willing to lead our call to worship or perhaps even lay lead!  Email Lisa at
Eating out at SWISS CHALET?  Please bring your table receipt (not your credit card receipt) to Trinity and deposit it in the container in the McIntyre Street entrance or the one in the narthex.  The restaurant will make a donation to Trinity of 10% of the amount paid for food.  This does NOT apply to orders from the bar or orders for takeout and applies to the North Bay restaurant only.  We appreciate this generous donation and your participation in this endeavour.

​Kairos Youth and Young Adult Poster Contest​KAIROS wants to lift up the artistic work of yo​uth and young adult ​activists. We are looking for original artwork that shares a message of justice, peace and hope – artwork that will help us as a movement and a community embrace this kairos moment and lead us into action towards the just and sustainable world we want to build. ​More information and how to submit your poster can be found by clicking here Kairos Poster Contest  Deadline to submit is October 23rd.

Mossy Church – Save the Date!  
Sunday, October 30 at 6:30 pm  All Saints Theatre at the Silk/Shavers​Date and Time TBA – Martinmas Lanterns @ Nipissing University 
Friday November 25th – November 27th Christmas in the Forest​  See ​
January 2022 Breaking Bread @ Nordic Ski Club

Apple Pies The Apple Pie project is complete for another year. It is always wonderful to see the community come together to support this major fundraiser of the church.  I am sure there will be an official announcement in the days to come from the Apple Pie team but we wanted to offer our gratitude to all the many people who contributed to the pie project! I have attached a few photos from Darlene, our Apple Pie lady! One of them shows the very last pie to complete the project!

​Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend filled with good food, great memories, lovely fall colours and maybe even an apple pie or two :)​