Hello Trinity Friends,
Please join us this Sunday at 10:30 am for a special Rally Back service. We will celebrate a return to our regular activities and the official start of the Sunday School year. We invite you to join us later in the afternoon for our Annual Church Family Picnic at Camp Tillicum. Rain or Shine! The details (and directions) are included below.
There are a number of announcements and events to share. Please keep reading!
The fall season is the perfect time to get more involved in the various ministries at Trinity or the wider church. If you have a little time to give and looking for a way to give back to your community, we invite you to reach out to any staff or Board member to find a good fit for you. There are many ways to serve: reading scripture, teaching Sunday School, making apple pie, greeting and ushering, serving on a committee, learning to run tech, volunteering at the Food Bank or Infant Food Bank, etc.
If you are interested in serving the wider church, the Canadian Shield Regional Council has several openings in various areas such as: Affirming Ministries, Right Relations, Property Resource, Youth and Young Adult Resource and more. To find out more or to express interest click on here canadianshieldrc.ca/about/nominations/
Lay Leaders are a vital and needed part of our United Church Ministry. Trinity has a few trained Lay Leaders who help provide pulpit supply at various churches in our wider community. Our Minister Emerita, Rev. Kathleen McCallum will be leading a new intake of the LLWL course. For more information about becoming an LLWL, talk to Rev. Kathy or Rev. Ted or search: “Licensed Lay Worship Leader” at: www.canadianshieldrc.ca
Apple Pie season is here! If you’d like to order your apple pies, call the church office or look for the order sheet in your bulletin this week! If you’d like to get involved in the apple pie making process please be in touch with Darlene Laferriere! The apple pie dates are included in this week’s bulletin.
North Bay Pride March – Saturday September 16th at 1 pm
Several United Church folk will be marching together in solidarity and support of the Pride community! We will gather at the old ONR building at 555 Oak St. E. Hope to see you there!
Rally Back Annual Church Picnic
This Sunday at 2 pm at Camp Tillicum – Rain or Shine! Please join us on the shores of Lake Nipissing for our Church Family Picnic. Please bring a lawn chair, utensils, plate, cup, and your potluck appetizer or salad item. Sandwich items (meat, cheese, buns, etc.) and icecream bars will be supplied. We will eat outside (weather permitting) – so please bring a sturdy plate! The day will include all ages games and will conclude with a vespers service. All are welcome – feel free to bring a friend Directions to Camp Tillicum are below. Hope to see you there!
Directions to Camp Tillicum
Head south on Highway 11. Take Exit 329 (Highway 654/Lake Nosbonsing) Turn right off the exit and head towards Nipissing. Continue on highway 654 for about 9 ½ km until you reach Tillicum Bay Road. Turn right onto Tillicum Bay Road and continue on the road – you should see a sign for Camp Tillicum YMCA/Rotary Camp. It is on the right side of the road.
Upcoming Dates for your calendar:
- Sunday September 24th: Saint Francis Sunday (you’re welcome to bring a furry friend or animal memento to church!)
- Saturday September 30th – Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconcilation
- Sunday October 1st: World-Wide Communion Sunday (also “Orange Shirt Sunday”)
- Sunday October 8th: Thanksgiving Sunday! Also: Baptism Sunday (please be in touch with your interest, ASAP!)
There are more announcements in your bulletin – and other upcoming activities and events will be posted on our website and facebook pages. Visit us at www.trinitynorthbay.ca and find us and “Like” us on Facebook! trinitynorthbay
See you Sunday!