Hello Trinity Friends,
As we settle into the current reality of physical distancing I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that the Trinity community will continue to look for ways to connect with one another. We will continue to produce weekly online worship services. We are grateful to those of you who have offered to be a part of that – and we are very grateful to John Roberts who continues to assemble all our pieces to create the online worship services. As we head into Holy Week, we will have both a Palm/Passion Sunday service, Good Friday service and an Easter Sunday service. These are posted on Trinity North Bay Youtube Channel and can also be found under the worship tab on our website. www.trinitynorthbay.ca And by clicking here —> https://youtu.be/FfdwAptExPY
There will also be a weekly Sunday School lesson available. If you would like to receive a weekly Sunday School lesson please sign up by emailing Lisa at blais.trinity@gmail.com
On the website you will see a new feature – a Covid-19 resource tab has been included. There you will find resources for family activities, mental health supports and Faith and Spirituality resources. Please take a look through. These will be updated from time to time as new resources become available.
Donations to Trinity
Although we are unable to “attend” Trinity in the traditional sense, your staff still continues to work, the expenses and the bills are still coming in, the roof still needs to be paid off and our food bank and infant food bank continue to operate. While our church is closed, this may mean a reduction in our offerings – We know that this is a difficult time for many but if you are able to – here are some options to consider should you wish to make a donation to Trinity. Thank you for your continued and valued support!
1) Sign up for PAR or increase your monthly PAR contribution
2) Drop a cheque/cash off in the secure church mailbox.
3) Send an e-transfer through online banking to: trinityuc.treasurer@gmail.com If you are donating via etransfer please also send an email with the password info to Wanda at trinitynorthbay@gmail.com **This is important so we know where to credit the donation4) Give via the Donate Now button on our Trinity United Church website – please note choosing this option allows you to use a credit card however the tax receipt will come from Canada Helps and they take 3% admin fee.
Trinity friends, we know that this time is difficult – you may be experiencing an increase in anxiety, loss of income, and feelings of loneliness. Please know that you are not alone. Reach out for help if you need it. If you would like a call from someone on the Pastoral Care Team or any of the staff, please let us know.
Stay well and God’s blessings to you,