Trinity this week – October 20, 2024

Hello Trinity Friends,

Did you know that tomorrow is World Singing Day? Each year on the 3rd Saturday in October, people all over the world gather in groups of all sizes in schools, pubs, parks, plazas and churches to sing and celebrate our common humanity. People of all ages, backgrounds and singing abilities can join in and sing. Trinity is pleased to be hosting a World Singing Day event in our Sanctuary this Saturday from 2 – 3:30 pm. This is a free event!

This Sunday we join together for worship at 10:30 am.  We will be continuing with our Share the Love Stewardship message with a special video.  Sunday School children will be starting a new rotation on the Prodigal Son that will focus on how God loves us and welcomes us, even when we wander!

The Trinity Sunday Morning Offering Collection has changed (or rather returned) COVID changed a lot of Sunday morning details on us!  We’ve now returned to passing the offering plate like the Old Days!  An offering plate will be passed around to you in the pews. You can place your offering envelope, cash or PAR card onto the plate – or simply pass it along! IThose who give by PAR will find a PAR card in the pews (with art by Trinity Sunday Schooler Paisley) please feel free to drop it into the plate- because we want to celebrate and bless every kind of giving! 

A reminder that following the church service (and coffee time) there will be a Membership Class. We’ll have conversations about faith, about the United Church of Canada, and about a membership Sunday. You are welcome to attend if you’re interested in becoming an official member of the congregation! 

Next Sunday October 27th is Hallowe’en Sunday.  As is our tradition, you are encouraged to come in costume!  Following the service, Trinity youth will gather for a Hallowe’en Potluck and an Escape Room!  All youth in Grade 7 adn up are welcome.  12 – 3 pm.

Save the Date!

There are two special events happening on Saturday November 9th.

First is the UCW Christmas Tea and Bazaar.  You will find more information about that in our weekly bulletin.

The second event is a special musical presentation hosted by Trinity Arts.   The County, is a modern country band and will share some new material as well as proven crowd favourites. Tickets are available at the Trinity box office or online at Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door, but Trinity friends will have a special price of $20 (in advance only at Trinity). Doors open at 7 and music starts at 7:30 pm

You will not want to miss this very great musical act!

Events from our wider community

St. Andrew’s United Church Fall Bazaar, Cookie Walk and Silent Auction – Saturday November 2nd from 10am – 2 pm

Emmanuel United Church hosts Evensong, a serene and meditative experience designed to provide a peaceful retreat from the hustle of everyday life. Held on the last Wednesday of the month (October 30)

Trinity United Church hosts the Compassionate Committee “What you need to know about helping people who are experiencing homelessness” Wednesday November 20, 2024 at 7 pm presented by Compassionate Committee for the Homeless of North Bay.  All are welcome to come out for this very informative session.