Trinity this week – March 31, 2017 – Lent 5

Hello Trinity Friends!

This Sunday, we continue our Lenten journey with music that gets us through the night.  We are grateful to the many people who have offered their talents so far. This week music will be shared by Bryan Boothe, Don Haslam, and Jodi St Pierre.  

Empire Living Centre – Communion Service – Thursday April 6th , 10 am.


Irma Benard and the Christian Education Committee will be hosting an aboriginal drum making session on April 8th  from 10:00 to 2:00pm in the Fellowship room. Everyone is welcome. The cost is $100.00. This includes your drum kit, instruction and the awakening ceremony. To sign-up or for more information, please contact Trinity. (705)474-3310 or

Michael White performs Led Zeppelin.  Saturday April 8th, 7:30 pm. Tickets are $30.  Available at Trinity or the door.  If you are able to help with load in and load out, I can offer a free ticket or t-shirt.  Please contact Lisa at

TRINITY’S UCW will meet Monday, April 10th at 1:00pm in the Fireside Room. Topic: “All The Lonely People”. Come out are hear Rev. Richard Smith play Easter Music on his Harp. Everyone Welcome.