Trinity this week – June 4th, 2023

Hello Trinity Friends,
Please join us this Sunday for worship at 10:30 am. Some of the cast of our upcoming Mustard Seed play will share a musical number in church.  Next Sunday, Trinity will host participants from the Festival of Faith in our worship.  It will be an uplifting service with special guests and a Ukulele choir!
In Sunday School this week, the children will finish their rotation on Paul’s conversion with a cooking lesson (with this heat, thankfully it is a recipe that requires no cooking).

Congratulations to Emily Duggan on the 10th Anniversary of her ordination! 

Congratulations and Gratitude to the JOY Band for a wonderful concert last weekend. It was a fantastic afternoon of music!  A huge thank you on behalf of the Trinity Youth and Amelia Rising for the generous donations – each organization received well over $500!Thank you JOY Band members – and thanks to those who attended the concert and made a donation! 

More Gratitudes A huge thank you to the community of North Bay, and our own Trinity family for contributing to the TP North Bay campaign.  We have over 1000 rolls of toilet paper to distribute to our clients at our Monday Food Shelf – a mountain of toilet paper!

Charity Day at the Heritage Railway and Carousel Come on out Saturday to ride the train and carousels and help support our own Infant Food Shelf! All are welcome – young, and young at heart! Look for our Trinity friends who will be volunteering tomorrow (Saturday June 3rd) – proceeds from the ride tickets will go to our Infant Food Bank.  Thank you to the Heritage Railway and Carousel for supporting the Infant Food Bank!

Friends of Caritou Pasta Dinner Come on out for a generous helping of Pasta tomorrow – Saturday June 3 from 5:00 – 6:45 p.m.  Adults: $15 Children: $5 (12 & Under)
After supper, plan to stay for the Mustard Seed Musical!

Mustard Seed is thrilled to present “A Not So Terrible Parable” – Saturday June 3rd at  7 pm and Sunday June 4th at 1 pm.  A cast of 21 young performers are excited to hit the stage and bring you a mysterious whodunit based on the story of the Good Samaritan.  Tickets are available at the door $10 Adults and $5 for students (of any age). 

Sock Donations We have been contacted by one of the outreach organizations who is need of socks.  If you are able to donated socks, please bring them to Lisa’s Office or leave at the Food Shelf area.  Thank you!

As you can see, Trinity is a busy place – with lots of activity!  We provide space for many outside groups as well as our own events.  We are grateful for your donations through PAR (if you don’t know what that is, please talk to Wanda), cheques, cash, donating online and by etransfer – your donations help us to keep our building in good repair, supports our many ministries – including our two foodshelf programs and pays for staff!  We could not do it without you!  Please see the “View from the Vault” below – this gives a brief glimpse at our Finances.  You can see we are in the red – please consider how you might help – perhaps increasing your donation, or perhaps you have a good idea for a fundraiser!  Speak to a member of your Finance Committee for more information.


Offerings$81,025Salaries, Benefits$83,828
Christian Ed$10,554Special Project$3,867
Building Rental$3,507C. E.$10,479
Grant (ON safety)$4,665Property$33,565
In Memorium$75Worship$736
Totals $115,933  $154,540
Receipts – Expenses               ($38,608)