Trinity this week – June 2nd 2024

Hello Trinity Friends,

Please join us this Sunday for worship at 10:30 am.  Rev. Ted’s Sunday message is “Divine Wabi Sabi” – what is Divine Wabi Sabi – you will have to join us Sunday to find out! 

Plan to stay after church for a fundraiser lunch hosted by the JOYFUL Bells and then Swing into Spring with the JOY Band – Today at 1:30 pm – Featuring traditional, swing, jazz, classic rock and broadway musicals. Free will offering. See the attached poster for more information!

A reminder that next Sunday June 9th will be our Youth Led Intergenerational service.  Our worship service will take place in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30 am and will be livestreamed. 

June 9th will also be the launch of 100th Anniversary celebrations for the United Church of Canada.  A special service takes place at Metropolitan United Church in Toronto and will be livestreamed to YouTube.  Emmanuel United Church will be hosting a viewing party  that everyone is invited to. Please arrive in time for a 4pm sharp start.

AOTS Gift Card Orders are being collected this Sunday. Order forms are available from the ushers today, or from the office. Completed orders and payment may be given to Bob Cook, after church on Sunday or dropped off to Rob’s mailbox (Contact the office if you need the address). 

BELONGATHON: On Saturday June 8th all are invited to Co-create communities of belonging alongside people with developmental disabilities. Belongathon is a fun event whose aim is to help raise awareness and funds for accessible spaces in Canada and worldwide.

This year’s Belongathon will be a walk and roll event. Put on a pair of comfortable shoes and join us for a day of fun strolling or rolling around!​  Trinity’s favourite band “The Hosts” will be performing and Trinity has registered a team!  Come on down and support this important event.  Registration begins at 1 for those who want to walk, and the opening remarks are at 2. Click on the link to join, donate or for more information! Trinity’s Belongathon Team


All women are invited to a potluck on Monday June 10th .Festivities will begin at 5:30 Our Guest speaker will be Anne Smith on “Hiking the Camino Trail”.  We hope to see you! ** Please RSVP by Thurs. June 6th to Judy, 705-478-7781

The UCW would like you to put on your CREATIVE thinking caps, and put your CRAFTY fingers to work to create CRAFTY items for our November  Bazaar.  The cupboard is bare, and we need your  help to “fill” it.  The UCW enjoys putting the bazaar together but we would appreciate your assistance in creating items for the CRAFT table.  As always, we are grateful for your continued support in all projects the UCW undertakes.

WORKSHOP: “Your Words Matter” Hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association, on Tuesday, June 4, from 2-3, at Emmanuel United Church. This presentation explores the importance of language, in reducing the stigma surrounding   mental health, addictions and substance use. “The words we choose can have a significant impact on a person’s well being.” Please contact the Emmanuel Church office if you are able to attend. 705-472-1806.

​Happy Pride Month and Indigenous Peoples History Month – look for more information on how to support and celebrate throughout the month!