Trinity this week – Fourth Sunday in Lent – March 19, 2023

Hello Trinity Friends and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
This Sunday, please join us for worship at 10:30 am as we celebrate the 4th Sunday in Lent.  Trinity’s new Board will be installed and we will celebrate our new honourary elders: Claudette & Tony dePencier as well and Ann & Bill Clark  two couples who have given so much to our Trinity community.  We are truly grateful!We continue our “blues” journey through music with offerings by Joe Drinkwalter and Hannah McCallum. In Sunday School the children have been building a Lenten toolkit  – this week they will be adding “peace” to their toolkit, and have an opportunity to play some peace games, led by Marcel MacDonald. 
Just a reminder that our worship services are livestreamed to YouTube and re-broadcast on Cogeco’s YourTV.  Children who come forward for children’s time and some members of the congregation may be on screen at times. Should you have any concerns about appearing on screen, please speak with an usher who will seat you in an appropriate spot. 

Upcoming Activities and Community Announcements

Faith Forward 2030 Do you have questions or ideas to share about Faith Forward 2030?  Come chat with a member of the Faith Forward committee during coffee time in the Fellowship Hall.

Youth Group is Back! Following the worship service this Sunday, youth in grade 7 and up are invited to a Pizza and Games Social to 12 – 2:30.  We are excited to be resuming regular youth group meetings!

Mustard Seed Information Session On Sunday March 26th, following the worship service, there will be an information session for Mustard Seed’s new production: A Not so Terrible Parable.  This is a short, fun, whodunit style musical directed by Darlene Laferriere.  All children in Grades 1 – 8 are invited to come out and learn more about this.  If your child is interestested but unable to attend the info session, please be in touch with Lisa Blais.

Committee Chairs and Group Leaders – please note that items for the Spring newsletter are due on Sunday March 26th to Ross. This is a great way to promote upcoming events and share opportunities to get more involved! The newsletter will be distributed on Sunday April 2nd – Palm Sunday.

THE SUNDOG THEATRE FESTIVAL performance of “Saint City Sparrows”, written and directed by Kelsey Ruhl, assisted by Stephanie Kast. Proudly hosted by Trinity United Church, Thursday March 30th to Saturday April 1st at 7:30 pm in the upstairs Gym. Suggested Admission price is $15. More info or to reserve tickets:

See you Sunday!