Hello Trinity Friends,
We hope you will join us for worship this Sunday. Rev. Lillian Roberts will lead our service this morning while Rev. Ted leads the men’s canoe trip! We will be joined by the Joyful Bells, who will enhance the musical portions of our worship! And in Sunday School, we will celebrate Indigenous Peoples History Month in the kitchen with a cooking activity!
Next Sunday June 23rd, will be our last worship service at Trinity before we break for our July holidays. During our July closure we are invited to worship with our neighbours and friends at St. Andrew’s United Church. They are looking forward to welcoming us. We are excited to share that our summer students, Abbi and Andrew, will be hosting Sunday School activities there as well. We hope our families will visit St. Andrew’s – they are excited to host a Sunday School program!
A reminder that this month is a 5th Sunday month! We will join our friends at Emmanuel United Church for a 5th Sunday worship. Please note, their worship service is at 11 am! There will be a picnic style luncheon social following in the Hall or on the lawns as weather permits. You may use their chairs or bring your own lawn chair as able. Rev. Tracy Davis and Rev. Will Kunder will be our host ministers and John Henderson, our Music Director. As we boldly close the door of 4 local churches to unite for this shared Worship, we are experiencing “hope-filled communities united in deep spirituality, inspiring worship, and daring justice.” (Mission statement, 2021)
Summer Closure
Trinity offices will be closed from Tuesday June 25th to Tuesday July 30th. Our first Sunday worship will be on August 4th. This email address and our phone lines will be checked periodically while we are closed. For emergency Pastoral Care, please be in touch with St. Andrew’s United Church.
June is Indigenous History Month and Pride Month. We’d encourage you to look for ways to celebrate. Below you will see a few events happening in the North Bay area to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day on June 21st and Pride!