Trinity this week – April 27, 2018

Hello Trinity Friends,

Join us this Sunday for a love filled worship service.  The Sunday School children will be sharing a song in worship.

This Sunday after worship you can purchase your gift cards from the AOTS.  Gift cards are available for grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, coffee shops, movies and more!  This is a major fundraiser by the AOTS which allows them to support youth programs in our region.  Please consider purchasing gift cards if you do not already. Thank-you!

After church (or other times by arrangement) you can purchase Maple Syrup from the Scouts, Hope2Kenya pasta supper tickets, Nunsense tickets, and Choral Society tickets!

There will be a Town Hall Question and Answer session with Moderator Jordan Cantwell– Sunday April 29th– 4pm to 5:15pm at St Andrews (North Bay). At 5:30 there will be a  Presbytery wide pot luck supper, please bring your favourite dish to share.

UCW: Trinity UCW will be pleased to welcome the ladies of North Bay Presbyterial for their Annual meeting on May 5th. at Trinity from 9:30am to 2:30pm, cost of $9.00. The guest speaker will be from Community Living, Rev. Will Kunder will also be on hand to discuss changes in the United Church. Join us for singing, worship, discussions, eating and a silent auction. For more information contact Judy at 705-478-7781.

Save the Date!

The third annual talent and services auction starting Sunday May 6th. to Sunday May 27th.


Registration is now open for this year’s Vacation Bible Camp.  The theme is WOW – exploring our World of Wonders!  It takes place August 13 – 17th.  Registration is limited to 50 children.


  • Trinity Games: Second and fourth Friday at 6:30pm
  • Communion Service-Cassellholme, Tuesday, May 8th 11:00am.
  • Nunsense- May9-12, 7:30pm & May 13, 2pm
  • Hope2Kenya Pasta Dinner-Saturday,May 12th.


  • Joy Band Concert– May 27, 12:30pm
  • Free to Be – Mustard Seed Musical – June 2nd and 3rd
  • Trinity Pasta Dinner-Saturday, June 2nd come for dinner and stay for “Free to Be”.

The thought of the day in the church bulletin this week is worth reflecting on.

“To love means loving the unloveable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” ~ G.K. Chesterton