Trinity this week – Advent Communion Service – November 27, 2022

Hello Trinity Friends,
Please join us this Sunday for our Advent Communion Service at 10:30 am.  Come early for a good seat and to join in for a Carol Sing beginning around 10:15.  The worship service is livestreamed to YouTube each Sunday here Trinity’s Worship.  The services are also broadcast on Cogeco’s YourTv the following Sunday (check local listings for times).

Tonight is the Downtown Christmas Walk – while you are enjoying the walk, pop by Trinity to hear the Joyful Bells perform in the Narthex.

Don’t forget to also come by Trinity on Saturday for the Cookie Walk.  9:30 to 11:30 – come early because once they are gone, they are gone!

Sunday following worship, please come down to the Fellowship Hall to view the stunning Pam Somerville art piece that is up for bid.  Pam has graciously donated her painting to Trinity to help with fundraising efforts. “Stella Nova” by Pamela Adams Somerville (Acrylic/Mixed Media on Illustration Board) is a moving visual interpretation of the Holy Family. Suggested bidding starts at $300. Please fill out your bid amount and contact information on the paper and place it in the box provided.  The winning bid will be announced in December!


Christmas Bag Outreach Each year, with the support of the Trinity Congregation, Trinity youth pack approximately 150 Christmas bags for those in our community who may not otherwise experience the joy of receiving a gift.  We pack bags for teens and adults in transitional housing, treatment centres, the NBRHC Mental Health Unit, Suswin Indigenous Housing and more.  If you would like to contribute to this outreach program please bring in your donations to Trinity on White Gift Sunday (December 4th) or any day up to Sunday December 11th.  A full list of needed items is posted in the bulletin and in your Advent newsletter.  Contact Lisa at for more information

The Compassionate Committee for the Homeless in North Bay, in partnership with Trinity United Church is hosting an information session entitled “What you need to know about helping people who are experiencing homelessness ” on Friday, December 2, 2022, at 7 p.m. at Trinity United Church. Everyone is encouraged to attend to learn more from front line workers.  See the attached poster for more information.  Donations of warm hats, mitts, socks, and money for the Soles for Souls program are appreciated!

Next Sunday December 4th, the 2nd Sunday in Advent, is our White Gift Sunday service.  A Carol Sing will take place before worship.  Plan to stay for lunch after the service and enjoy the JOY Band Concert in the afternoon.  The poster is attached. Admission by free will donation to Trinity’s Infant Food Shelf and the North Bay Food Bank.  

Friday Dec. 9th: Dreamcoat presents an evening Christmas show with proceeds towards Trinity’s Food Shelf Ministries.  More details to follow!
Sunday Dec. 11: Advent 3 – Trinity’s Christmas Pageant, “Just a Little Christmas” 10:30 am
Sunday Dec 18:      Advent 4 – Trinity Choir Cantata, 10:30 am

Wednesday Dec. 21st at 7pm, Longest Night Service with friends from St. Andrew’s United Church. A service of candlelit prayer and of heartfelt string music with “Depatie and Hyatt” in the Trinity sanctuary.