Lyrics for this week’s Prelude Song

Chì mi na mórbheanna

O chì, chì mi na mòr-bheanna
O chì, chì mi na còrr-bheanna
O chì, chì mi na coireachan
Chì mi na sgoran fo cheò

Chì mi gun dàil an t-àite san d'rugadh mi
Cuirear orm fàilte sa chànain a thuigeas mi
Gheibh mi ann aoidh agus gràdh nuair a ruigeam
Nach reicinn air tunnachan òir


Chì mi na coilltean, chì mi na doireachan
Chì mi ann màghan bàna is toraiche
Chì mi na féidh air làr nan coireachan
Falaicht' an trusgan de cheò


Beanntaichean àrda is àillidh leacainnean
Sluagh ann an còmhnuidh is còire cleachdainnean
'S aotrom mo cheum a' leum g'am faicinn
Is fanaidh mi tacan le deòin


Oh, I will see, I see the great mountains
Oh, I will see, I see the lofty mountains
Oh, I will see, I see the corries
I will see the peaks beneath the mist

I will see, straight away, the place of my birth
I will be welcomed in a language which I understand
I will receive hospitality and love when I reach there
That I would not trade for a ton of gold


I will see woods there, I see thickets there
I will see fair, fertile fields there
I will see the deer on the ground of the corries
Shrouded in a garment of mist


High mountains with lovely slopes
Folk there who are always kind
Light is my step when I go bounding to see them
And I will willingly remain there for a long while