Trinity this week – Good Friday Worship

Hello Trinity Friends,
As we approach Easter, we are normally anticipating a number of special worship services and events – at times it feels like we are suspended in a Good Friday moment. But we know that Easter is coming and God is with us throughout these times – and so we find ways to rejoice, to offer gratitude to all our health care workers, to celebrate special occasions in new and sometimes unfamiliar ways, to reach out to those friends and neighbours who need us, and to continue to live as we are called to do as Easter people.  So friends, as you gather this weekend in your own homes, perhaps around a smaller table than you anticipated remember that you do so with all your Trinity friends and families. Let’s hold each other in prayer and know that this, too, will pass!

You will find the current newsletter posted under the newsletter tab. Please take a moment to read through for some news and announcements!

I am posting the link to the Good Friday service here are grateful for the participation of many members of our faith community who enrich this service and keep our United Church community connected during this time.    All other online worship services (including Easter Sunday which will be posted on Saturday afternoon) can be found by going to Youtube and searching Trinity North Bay.  Consider bookmarking that page and subscribing for easier access. 

 We will be providing a small number of DVD’s for members of our church community who do not have access to internet.  If you know of someone who would appreciate a DVD please let me know.  

Sunday School Online is available each week – if you would like to receive a weekly Sunday School lesson please let me know!  

God’s Blessing to you all – stay safe and stay home!